I was deciding on some horse breeds that I would like to well, er, show and breed. So I was on Equus, looking at the different breed associations, I remembered that I fluffy and mini horses/ponies. I'm making a breeding info page for the stables soon, so there'll be a list. Then I started thinking about horses I'll make. So far I have:

    - Shetland Pony
    - maybe British Riding P

Ahh, maybe I have some favorites.
1/29/2013 07:59:00 am

Hi when are the results coming out for your show? :C The old forum closes very soon :c
(sorry, there is no cbox, so i commented here. I've tried to email you aswell :/ )


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    These  are  just  some  daily  photos  of  what's  happening  at  Moonlight  Melodies  Haven.  This  includes  wildlife!  Watch  out  for  photos!  I  put  just  a  slight  amount  of  effort  into  them.